Three Daily Challenges for Leaders
Increase Staff Retention
Reducing turnover can save your organization thousands of dollars annually.  A Turnover Reduction Plan will impact every area of your organization.  Levers like higher pay and rewards will not increase retention.  Get off the turnover treadmill now!  Learn more

Develop Leadership at all Levels…Top to Bottom
Leadership is about results.  Effective leadership can be learned.  Activity doesn’t equal action. It is results that count. Encourage teamwork, cooperation, collaboration.  What does a leadership development program look like?  How can your staff share your Vision? Learn more

Implement Your Goals
Solve Difficult Problems
First you need a vision and a plan.  Achieving your goals includes strategic planning and annual planning.  We can help you implement strategies for setting and achieving goals and setting priorities that impact your organization. Learn more

Your staff will perform to your expectations! Build teams that get results.
Start Today

Contact Larry Wenger at Workforce Performance Group
toll-free 877-872-6195 or Click Here
"Since the Leadership Program, I have learned to approach my team in a brand new way; they are now more cooperative and report increased job satisfaction."
-Program Director

"I think we have all learned important skills that all managers need in order to lead effectively.I wish we had this training earlier."
-Group Home Manager

"I want to thank Larry Wenger for his patience, wisdom and motivation. This Leadership Program has opened my mind and allowed me to focus on myself as a person and to give thought before action..."
-Residential Director

"Our meetings are dramatically different. We learned about our differences and similarities; we trust each other; our conflict is productive now. We are making better decisions."
-Owner, Senior Care Company

"Your work on our Strategic Plan was well organized, simple and helped us plan for the future."
-Executive Director